There could be several reasons why fuel savings earned could be missing from your Fuel Rewards Dining account. The most common are:
- Fuel savings from dining can take up to 5-10 days to appear in your Fuel Rewards account.
- You did not use a credit or debit card linked to Fuel Rewards Dining when you completed your transaction.
- If you used your debit card, you didn’t swipe it like a credit card to earn fuel savings.
If you used your PIN #, the transaction goes directly to your bank and not the credit card companies that we’re linked with (Visa®, MasterCard®, Discover®, and American Express®). Like all reward programs, we can only track your qualified restaurant visits through credit card transactions, not bank transactions. - You linked your credit or debit card and immediately tried to use it for Fuel Rewards Dining. Once you link your credit or debit card, it usually takes about 24 hours to register in our system.
- You dined on a blackout day, when the restaurant is not offering fuel savings. (Consult the restaurant’s information page.)
- You dined at a restaurant that left Fuel Rewards Dining prior to the date you visited.
- The restaurant you visited changed their credit card process, and we were not able to connect your visit to the reward. Once we’re aware of this issue, we can correct the problem.
- If the restaurant visited is one of our national brands or franchises, the business may not have added that specific location to Fuel Rewards Dining.
Are you missing Fuel Rewards savings? Email or call us at (888) 603-0473 between 7am–10pm CT any day of the week.